Uso de Google Classroom como repositorio de rob´otica pr´actica: PieroAcademy


In developing laboratory practices in some courses related to systems engineering and automation, students are expected to gather information on equipment and components from different external sources. However, the results of their research, which in many cases are of high quality, are forgotten once evaluated. In order to value and improve the use of these works, we propose the creation of a controlled repository of information where students can collect material required to carry out their labwork, examples, and tutorials made by other students, but also contribute to expand the available information through their own experiences. The implementation of the repository is based on tools recently provided by the G Suite for Education (GSFE), especially Google Classroom. This paper describes the development and experience with this system as a means to manage an organized repository where the so-called ”Classes” take content from thematic units. The experience has shown advantages regarding versatility in the access from mobile devices and the capacity of reuse in real courses.

In XXXVII Jornadas de Automatica 2016